Adili Project

The Adili Project goes beyond just empowering young mothers with transferable skills, but also equips them with expertise they can use to generate income for themselves and to support their families.
We have completed two bootcamps to-date.
This year, the programme will work with 20,000 women, an expansion in a span of five years in 20 counties. Our pilot programme will begin with 150 women in three sub-counties in Busia County. The project will focus on training and imparting practical skills on entrepreneurship. The training will last three months. We will be scaling up by recruiting 50 more women every three months.
We will be working closely with the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Busia Chapter. The two organisations signed an MoU to formalise this partnership and explore other areas of collaboration.
The participants will be provided with the initial capital to start production. A revenue-sharing model will be used between the participants and Zuhura, to ensure sustainability. For the participants who decide to venture out on their own, the organisation, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce at Busia, will assist them to acquire loans.
First Bootcamp
In August 2020, Adili pilot project kicked off in Busia County. Through local mobilisation, 17 young people were recruited and in a week-long bootcamp.
Skills learnt:
- How to make multi-purpose soap, bar soaps and hand-sanitizers.
- Basic entrepreneurial skills

Number of Young Women trained
Days of Training
Number of Women who started a small business selling products
Second Bootcamp
The second bootcamp was held on January 2021, at the Busia Polytechnique. The two days boot camp saw 17 teenage mothers recruited and trained.
Skills learnt:
- Different aspects of baking
- Basic finance and entrepreneurship skills